
113+ Collection C# Code Problems for Beginners

Most of the time, Technical interview ruined the dreams of developers. These interviews are designed to test the developer's critical thinking and real-world problem-solving skills in several situations where they may come into play while on the job. For beginners, the situation is even painful. As they are not fully aware of the industry code problems and code challenges. So it's difficult for beginners in the technical interview to answer code problems in the fixed time. Code problems and code challenges help developers to become confident in the programming language, develop problem-solving skills, debugging skills, and gain more knowledge of the language. As a beginner, the developer should spend a good time on learning language, various algorithms, and data structure. To gain more hands-on experience developers need to solve code problems and code challenges. The code problems do not help directly to resolve real-times issues but they help ...

learn new things on core voila

When you start learning new things actually starting developein Core voila is my small intimate inciative to learn and foucs to understand core concepts related computer. In this blog you will get the information about all Cryptography algorithm, C# tutorials, .net version and code project. This blog has moved to its own domain to  So leave new things, stay fit and stay healthy

Symmetric Cryptography

This is the simplest kind of Cryptography that involves only one secret key to encrypt and decrypt information . It is also known as “Secret Key Cryptography”. Both Sender and receiver should know the key to be able to communicate securely. For Example: if Mahesh & Shalini wants to communicate using symmetric-key cryptography then both would have to devise key and use it for every communication. So Now, Mahesh encrypts his message using shared key, sends encrypted message to Shalini , then Shalini uses the same key again decrypt message to read. To demonstration symmetric-key cryptography , I will use AES ( Advanced Encryption Standard ) & .Net Framework in-build library “ System.Security.Cryptograph ” Output:

Asymmetric Cryptography (Public Key Cryptography) - Part I

Asymmetric cryptography, also known as public key cryptography, it uses two distinct, yet related keys. One key, the Public Key, is used for encryption and the other, the Private Key, is for decryption. Let say Mahesh wants to send an encrypted message to Shalini , Mahesh will look for Shalini Public key and use it for encrypt the message before sending it. Then Shalini Can decrypt the message using her related private key. if Mahesh encrypts the message using his private key, then the message can be decrypted only using Shalini's public key, thus it will also authenticate Shalini . These encryption and decryption processes happen automatically hence no need to share the keys. Asymmetric cryptography is slower then symmetric cryptography Advantages: 1. Does not require to share key 2. Simple structure RSA is common asymmetric algorithm, I will use the same for this example. To demonstrate, I have used .Net framework in build library “System.Security.Cryptograph...

Basic of Cryptography (Type of Cryptography)- Part II

Cryptography Types Cryptography categorized based on number of keys used for encryption and decryption; in this article we will discuss below three types Secret Key Cryptography - It is also call symmetric encryption where for both encryption and decryption uses same key. This is mainly used for confidentiality. Public Key Cryptography - It is also called asymmetric encryption ; this algorithm uses two key's one for encryption and one for decryption. mainly used for authentication. Hash Function - It uses to convert to text in such way that the input cannot be recoverable by using mathematical function.

Caesar Cipher (Cracking Caesar Cipher with the Brute-Force Technique) - Part II

In Part I , I have written code to encrypt the plain text for demonstration purpose . In this article we will use Brute Force technique to decrypt the encrypted message. Note: please make sure to read articles  Brute force and Caesar Cipher  before this article. Above code produce below  result, the above code took 17 iteration  to get the actual message.

Caesar Cipher Source Code - Part I

The Caesar cipher is one of the earliest known and simplest ciphers; Created and used in 44 BC by Julius Caesar. It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plain text is 'shifted' with certain number of places in the alphabet. For example, if we right shift the alphabets by 3 char then we get the below text; So now if we encrypt the message with above "TEST MESSAGE" will show below result The encryption can be represented Mathematical, by first transforming the letters into numbers, like  A = 0, B = 1,…, Z = 25. To represent the Caesar Cipher encryption function, e(x), where x is the character we are encrypting, as: E(X) = (X+K)  (mod 26)  Where K represents key used to shift the letters in alphabets. for decryption we can use below equation  E(X) = (X-K)  (mod 26) I have written the below code which accept user input and right shift the alphabets by 9 char: Result produce by o...