113+ Collection C# Code Problems for Beginners
Most of the time, Technical interview ruined the dreams of developers. These
interviews are designed to test the developer's critical thinking and
real-world problem-solving skills in several situations where they may come
into play while on the job.
For beginners, the situation is even painful. As they are not fully aware of the industry code problems and code challenges. So it's difficult for beginners in the technical interview to answer code problems in the fixed time.
Code problems and code challenges help developers to become confident in the programming language, develop problem-solving skills, debugging skills, and
gain more knowledge of the language.
As a beginner, the developer should spend a good time on learning language,
various algorithms, and data structure. To gain more hands-on experience developers need to solve code problems and code challenges.
The code problems do not help directly to resolve real-times issues but they
help developers to build problem-solving skills which are is very essential
for developers to solve real-time issues.
Here are list 113+ code problems for the beginner; these code problems solved using C#. These code problem collections contain coding problems related to a string, array, binary tree, stack, linked list, sorting algorithm related problems.
This code problem also helpful for interview preparation.
Collection C# Code Problems for Beginners
- Print a rectangular frame around array values
- Number to an integer array
- Stooge Sort
- Priority Queue using Heap
- Reversing a Queue
- First In First Out(FIFO) Implementation
- Reverse a word using Stack
- Sort stack
- Sort a stack using recursion
- Reverse Stack Implementation
- Stack Implementation using Linked List
- URL from HTML string.
- Number to an integer array
- Stooge Sort
- Priority Queue using Heap
- Reversing a Queue
- First In First Out(FIFO) Implementation
- Reverse a word using Stack
- Sort stack
- Sort a stack using recursion
- Reverse Stack Implementation
- Stack Implementation using Linked List
- URL from HTML string.
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Prime factors of an integer
- Given number is Pythagorean Triplet
- Equilibrium index of an array
- String Strange Pair
- Compound Interest
- Hexadecimal Number to Decimal
- Search in a node in a binary tree
- Delete Binary Search Tree Node.
- Convert Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree.
- Maximum distance nodes of a Binary Tree
- Maximum height of a Binary tree
- Are two Binary Trees identical
- Binary Tree
- Print a Number pattern
- Max and min palindrome word in string
- Duplicate words in a string
- Duplicate characters in a string
- Max and Min character occurring in a string
- Punctuation characters exists in a string.
- Pronic numbers
- Upper triangular matrix
- Sum of row and column of a matrix
- Transpose of a matrix
- Addition of Matrix
- Rotate array elements to left
- Sort doubly linked list.
- Search in doubly linked list.
- Remove duplicate elements from doubly linked list.
- Remove Node from doubly linked list.
- Convert Ternary Tree to doubly linked list.
- Prime factors of an integer
- Given number is Pythagorean Triplet
- Equilibrium index of an array
- String Strange Pair
- Compound Interest
- Hexadecimal Number to Decimal
- Search in a node in a binary tree
- Delete Binary Search Tree Node.
- Convert Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree.
- Maximum distance nodes of a Binary Tree
- Maximum height of a Binary tree
- Are two Binary Trees identical
- Binary Tree
- Print a Number pattern
- Max and min palindrome word in string
- Duplicate words in a string
- Duplicate characters in a string
- Max and Min character occurring in a string
- Punctuation characters exists in a string.
- Pronic numbers
- Upper triangular matrix
- Sum of row and column of a matrix
- Transpose of a matrix
- Addition of Matrix
- Rotate array elements to left
- Sort doubly linked list.
- Search in doubly linked list.
- Remove duplicate elements from doubly linked list.
- Remove Node from doubly linked list.
- Convert Ternary Tree to doubly linked list.
- Implement Stack using Queue
- Implement Stack using an Array
- Delete an element from the stack
- Sort Circular Linked List
- Delete node from Circular Linked List
- Reverse Circular Linked List
- Circular linked list
- Swap nodes in singly linked list
- Search in singly linked list
- Singly linked list
- Sort singly linked list
- Reverse a link list using Recursion
- Reverse a link list
- Is linked list contains loops or cycles
- Find Middle Element of Linked List
- Implement Stack using an Array
- Delete an element from the stack
- Sort Circular Linked List
- Delete node from Circular Linked List
- Reverse Circular Linked List
- Circular linked list
- Swap nodes in singly linked list
- Search in singly linked list
- Singly linked list
- Sort singly linked list
- Reverse a link list using Recursion
- Reverse a link list
- Is linked list contains loops or cycles
- Find Middle Element of Linked List
- Duplicate elements from a singly linked list
- Insert a node in singly linked list
- Maximum and minimum value from singly linked list
- The largest element in a list
- Radix Sort
- Remove Special Characters from a String
- Isogram Word
- Repeating Letters
- Count char occurrence in string.
- Get Unique value from two array
- Top two maximum number from Array
- Bubble sort algorithm
- Insertion sort algorithm
- Insert a node in singly linked list
- Maximum and minimum value from singly linked list
- The largest element in a list
- Radix Sort
- Remove Special Characters from a String
- Isogram Word
- Repeating Letters
- Count char occurrence in string.
- Get Unique value from two array
- Top two maximum number from Array
- Bubble sort algorithm
- Insertion sort algorithm
- Sum the Binary Representation of Integer’s
- Consecutive identical char in string
- Merge sort algorithm
- Consecutive identical char in string
- Merge sort algorithm
- Find all unique char from string
- Get Common value from two array
- Selection sort algorithm
- Quick sort algorithm
- Second Highest element in an array
- Reverse an Array Elements:
- Move 0’s to end of array
- Find non repeated char from string.
- Anagrams Strings
- Palindrome String
- Print all permutations of given string
- Longest substring without repeating characters
- Floyed’s Triangle
- Pascal Triangle
- Count Lines from HTML string.
- Count Vowels and consonants from a string
- String Padding
- Reverse string without using any in-build function
- Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
- Armstrong Number
- Finding weekends within the specified date range
- Get Common value from two array
- Selection sort algorithm
- Quick sort algorithm
- Second Highest element in an array
- Reverse an Array Elements:
- Move 0’s to end of array
- Find non repeated char from string.
- Anagrams Strings
- Palindrome String
- Print all permutations of given string
- Longest substring without repeating characters
- Floyed’s Triangle
- Pascal Triangle
- Count Lines from HTML string.
- Count Vowels and consonants from a string
- String Padding
- Reverse string without using any in-build function
- Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
- Armstrong Number
- Finding weekends within the specified date range
- Pyramid Pattern
- Find Square Root
- Find Missing number in sequential array
- Swap two Numbers using Bitwise Operator
- Sum of the Digits
- Find Next Working Day
- Find Starting of the week
- Calculate Age
- Is date valid?
- Calculate Prime number in C#
- Convert a 2D array into 1D array
- Convert string to Byte Array
- Swap a two number without using third variable
- Find Square Root
- Find Missing number in sequential array
- Swap two Numbers using Bitwise Operator
- Sum of the Digits
- Find Next Working Day
- Find Starting of the week
- Calculate Age
- Is date valid?
- Calculate Prime number in C#
- Convert a 2D array into 1D array
- Convert string to Byte Array
- Swap a two number without using third variable
- Linked Lists Sort using Insertion Sort
- Linked Lists Sort using Merge Sort
- Convert a binary tree to doubly linked list
- Remove a node from a doubly linked list
- Sum of two number without using arithmetical operator
- Linked Lists Sort using Merge Sort
- Convert a binary tree to doubly linked list
- Remove a node from a doubly linked list
- Sum of two number without using arithmetical operator
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